How‘s everyone feeling?
It turns out BV can be sexually transmitted
Naive about relationships
If you got Scorpio and Sagittarius in your big three you’re automatically hot and funny
Anyone else here struggled with people pleasing?
Capricorn Men ♑️
My mixed metal dreams are coming to life!
Added a rook and a triple!
this sub in a nutshell 😭
Problems with an Aries coworker
Sag and scorp the best pair
Sagittarius ♐️ are hot .. a true fire sign?
I am so angry at the callousness of my partner’s job.
Do you have to have an appointment to schedule a drivers test at bowman field?
For those averaging over $200 in tips a night. What kind of bar do you work at??
as a sag i love and am fascinated by pisces
Sagittarius ♐️ true?
Go ahead and get your kids the Gardasil vaccine
Sagittarius carry Cupid arrows?
Sagittarius does not know jealousy
Handyman Looking for gigs
Another Favourite Gone
I'm over it. Got my ass slapped by a customer at work
Need a divorce lawyer in Louisville. Needs someone that can act quickly in an active case.