BABYMETAL fan chant/choreography sheet/instructions video?
Wie heißt dieser Roman?
Two little highlights from Hamburg concert - painting and Pikachu
What song is kinda "meh" on the studio version, but becomes 100 times better when seen live?
My TOO Limited Edition just arrived
Does anyone know which magazines these are? Would looove to have a scan of these, the pics look amazing :D
Anyone filmed BMD, Monochrome & ROR in Frankfurt?
I call it "shrimposture"
Piano Arrangement of Prelude by Jordon He and TwoSet Violin
notice davie's shirt....
LangLang performing his Disney Book Album tonight! Hope it’s fun!
Is it just me or are some TwoSet videos not on YouTube?
Does your ability to recognise kanji improve if you read furigana?
Now playing: La Campanella by BeToVeN