[PS4] H: 1 cap plan sale W: you to come take a look!
[Ps4] H: Glowing Bigfoot mask W: Offers
Fasnacht 2025 rewards
No Vats Stealth Sniper
So who wants what for RDR3
I can't tell if this is a good or a bad thing.
What abilities would you give or change to differentiate your Spidersona from Peter Parker?
Well... that didn't go well.
Permadeath Run... I regret to inform you
Things I Wish For
Idk if this would count
How will PTJ explain his way out of this one 💀
75+ hours in and just finished Chapter 2. Am I playing this game right?
finally got him 🐴
I always avoided .44s because they don't take a suppressor. That was a mistake.
I swear this game becomes to easy after level 30
Can’t believe it’s been 20 years of the podcast
This is beautiful.Can't wait for the next episode.
What are some creepypastas/no sleeps you’d like to see them cover
Is this overkill for defense?
Edit of Wendigoon in the newest creepcast ep. !
Who else got excited and started a new game after the news on the next gen update?
On my millionth play through, and acquiring this always puts a huge smile on my face 😃
Poisoner’s Kremvh’s Tooth
An interesting fact about the blue rings (Red Lanterns: Futures End)