Pulled my gun fir the first time
Was told I “flexed too much” beware the jones warranty.
Charging for Parking now?
Just got a notice that the land we bought was a scam
Jones broke after 6 rides? Warranty denied.
Colorado Ski Area (Ski Cooper) Slashes (midweek, non holiday) Lift Ticket Prices to $45
Colorado spring break
Best coffee on the slopes
Can you do pressure test without a vacuum pump?
Ibex 450 price?
Floor console mini splits are awesome in heating mode.
Unimproved land but has a septic system
Site prep & install cost? (Colorado mtns)
600$ square foot Colorado
Building in Lake County, CO
Mitubishi hyperheat h2i not heating below 0F, but rated to -13f
I wrote a buyers guide to cold climate heat pumps
Rise in tourists prompts Nara Park to install trash cans to protect deer
People sleeping in cars, vans and motorhomes
Building costs
Maintenance and panel upgrades in Mexico?
FedEx 767 landing at Newark Airport with engine on fire
The scooters on the sidewalks suck so bad
Interesting video on Atlas Ocean Voyages allegedly scamming an entire expedition cruise costing over $20k to Antarctica that had no plans to actually go to Antarctica or even let people off in most other other islands
United States Booking Decline