Careful if your model has 18” rims
Twinborn for investiture?
If Hermione was chosen as a school champion who would have been her most prized possession during the 2nd task?
My weekend project of Knights radiant coasters (double sided)
Stormlight spoilers: question about sons of honor and Gavilar
Theory about deadeyes
Mistborn or Stormlight? Have been eager to start reading Sanderson.
11th Metal, Regrowth and Renarin
Robert Jordan vs Brandon Sanderson
I love the all 6 books. After reading them the third time around I think I like the second Trilogy the best. Thoughts?
Should I carry on reading Elantris?
Bitter about the Skyward series after Cytonic
Quick Cosmere ? Relating to Allomancy/Feruchemy
[Spoilers All Cosmere] The "lunacy" of a certain Queen
Would it be bad to reread everything but skip parts?
What is kaladins main goal?
Wax's Earring
Holy fucking shit. Twinborn are way more powerful than we ever even realized
Nightblood Creation Theory
Should I start reading the Stormlight Archive books or the WoT books as my first fantasy book series?