i have trichotillomania, AMA
What is one word that people wrongly pronounce that makes your brain just wanna jump a cliff?
i’m so sad
Which of these is the best shot?
i have a fever probably once a week, AMA
should i charge my friends as an amateur photographer?
Tip baiting is so weird.
what are some good hustles to make a little money as a college student?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
suggestions for a hustle to get my money up!
Told myself I’d give myself one month to enjoy my life before ending it all. The month is almost over.
I’ve cut my own hair since I was 10, AMA
I suffer from multiple chronic illnesses, AMA
friend said “lol” and i’m crashing out
My (19M) gf (18F) was raped for the second time in our relationship, and I don’t know how to feel about it
how do you kiss with small lips??
my life feels hollow and directionless.
i think i’m going crazy? AMA
what should i write in my suicide note!?
I F(29) am a gunshot wound survivor: I was a new 4 year old toddler shot in the leg with a black powder .45 by my father AMA
I converted from a non practicing Muslim to lds (Mormon) AMA
I flip flop between hyposexuality and hypersexuality, AMA!
I’m planning on ending my life, AMA