Looking for a book to deal with addiction to attention
Bad timing
Can you all please tell your age and how much of it lost to pain and coping.
Give me a devastating song
Hey INFJs, what is one thing that turns you on?
Thoughts on dating someone recently out of a relationship
IWTL How to be Present and Engaged
what made you realize it wasn’t normal ?
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received?
What is one habit/trait you have as a result of CPTSD that you are ashamed of?
What’s it like to be suprised
I feel too broken to be loved.
Thoughts on texting
Iwtl how to be more confident in myself
Orgasming is hard
Nynaeve is a badass
It’s actually so weird when you’re not that deep in it
Why do people assume lesbians have tons of straight male friends?
Only now realizing just how “classically lesbian” this is
What scares you most about women?
What best symbolizes childhood emotional neglect?
How did you realize you were Grey?
Libido vs sexual attraction
Dating apps verse “organic”
Have you ever had a really bad kiss? What made it so bad?