If anybody is saying the handler is ugly and dumb is lying! She is hot and smart.
Bored of the lack of datamine discoveries since release and waiting for news? There's light at the end of the tunnel.
Anyone misses apex monsters?
Genuinely Just Curious, Do other people also feel like monsters in wilds are frailer?
My most embarassing moments so far
Hot take: 1st Title update is less Title and more of a major patch like MHRise launch period
Noxious/Deadly Poison was found in the files right, so who has it?
What are smaller/non-wide monsters that could be added to the Iceshard cliffs in the DLC because anything Tigrex sized and mobile would be terrible.
Does anyone know why there is a 2-3 monster limit on maps program wise?
Absolutely love this game, but i miss having a conveniently placed item box for quick item restocking
Outside of Flagship and Final Boss Monsters, what other Monsters actually have all 14 weapons normally?
Gypceros first time capture experience
Are my specs reasonable for High Graphics or atleast non-stuttering Mid graphics?
Immortal / supercomfy build from rage gaming (any weapon). I don’t yet have pieces and wonder how much dps it sacrifices vs Agitator 5 or Burst 5 build
Taste of your own medicine
Save data lost?
Health Pools
I love the changes they did to Rathalos
My opinion on wild changed after playing rise
How to get tempered uth duna, nu udra, and rey dau? Im hr60 and i finished the main game
How many chicken do i have to kill?
This how I imagine what they’re doing to them
The Quality of mods will be legendary for this game. Yes there is a lot of cheats but there is some quality stuff being made as well.
Its always Alma this and Gemma that but i think we are forgetting about the goddess that is Olivia