Do you guys think asmodeus and Val would get along or be enemys for some reason I couldn’t find a picture of Val
Losercity the older lady sitting next to me on the bus Did Not need to see this today.
Can they just fucking kill eachother if they shake hands?
surreal experience
How would this fight have gone if it had been Omni-Man?
Do you think Stolitz is unhealthy / toxic?
"oh naw this gotta be rage bait. do not fall for this"
Every Abyss this character surprises me; She is C0,R1..
Pulchra by @cheapdraw
Furina is perfect in every aspect but
NIKKE is goated as fuck when it’s not trying to appeal to gooners
Doctor with Tribi is Huge!, e0s0 ratio btw.
Why tf is akira working with slur again?
Flirting vs Sexual Harassment
They fixed his beard in the volume
What the hell, I accidentally got Furina while farming for Charlotte
Ifa's EN voice actor is Jonny Loquasto. A former WWE commentator.
Is this a new magic trick?
On a serious note could he beat Kenny?
0 Creative Skills by Director
“We won’t allow you to play the video until you turn off ad blocker”
My pettiest beef with the RoR anime
top text
Is it just me!? This show is constantly giving me “normalize pedophilia” vibes! 😯🤔🙂↕️
The Lucifer/Satan war. (Aka the many Lucifer variants.)