Which entries are the most dependent on staging?
Does anyone know how to make Froslass viable? Bc she’s one of my favs
Melody - ESA DIVA | Spain 🇪🇸 | Official Music Video | #Eurovision2025
Who do you have to pull of a Bambie Thug glow up based of the National final?
Mr. P Hypercharge ideas?
There're no wrong choices here
Does anyone else feel Rotten Banana is really strong?
Mr.P hypercharges needs a nerf maybe a rework
PREDICTIONS: What are you guys hoping to see for the newly revealed Z-A starters in terms of typing and ability for use in competitive play? I'm hoping for Water-Electric Feraligatr, Fire-Fairy Emboar, and Grass-Dragon Meganium.
What are some of your favourite moments staging wise?
Sooo... Belgium?
Why is Belgium so high up in the odds?
How to get mega meganium?
I already postes it, but my partner has not enough.
I'm looking for something
Oh No!
Grafaiai was just announced any thoughts about it
If band names were literal, what would be the worst concert to attend?
what do you think about the “Terastal Phenomenon”
hey guys which one is the best? ✨💅😩💅✨
Got me sweating a bit…
Wat da dog doin?
What's the most crazy teacher you ever had during your school career?
how to prop up a sagging bookshelf
Found this in Marrakesh