Smh, Fraudtama Moment
Season 3 aoki twitter
Bro how come the teaser trailer is so much better than the actual trailer?
Since the Cosmic Garou broke a lot, and I mean A LOT of the story's central themes, how would you have executed the climax of the MA arc?
You all think Dimension slash is coming back?
new update on opm s3 production
Say something negative about this show
Why does everyone seem to hate A Hero Nobody Knows?
Different Perspective on Cecil Vs Mark
Rank Cadres weakest to strongest
What do you think it will happen to Saitama at the end of the story?
Ok, I'm not the best powerscaler at all, I wouldn't even call myself god, but Saitamatards are just another level of bad
Hot take about wc defeat of void
Who takes this?
DEBATE CHART: Homelander vs Mr. Incredible (The Boys vs The Incredibles)
What bar have u set for s3
We may be very close to a Season 3 Trailer.
Who would win and why?
A message to Saitama scalers.
My counter to this criticism on saitama’s characterization.
people opinions are changing
Garou manga vs Garou WC
Honest Question: How do you feel about the Arc getting redrawn and what do you see getting redrawn. This isn't a rant this an Honest question.
[RAW] 241
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