Rude Comments on Videos (Does this happen to Male Creators as often as Female? And what's the best way to handle?)
Rude Comments on Videos
Opinions on "The Wire"
did tamiflu do anything for anyone
Coffee 🤢
Dehydration (Day 9 of Flu A)
Paramedics last night due to a bad reaction to Tamiflu?
Type A might be the worst flu I’ve ever had
First time ever having the flu and I genuinely think I’m dying
Adult Son (20M) is lonely and I don’t know what to do
Question re: Wage Reporting / Unemployment
Question re: California EDD application
Second Time Trying to Get 3 Videos Approved
I’ve started reading Hard Times by Charles Dickens and I'm really enjoying it so far. Do you have any other Dickens recommendations, aside from Great Expectations and Oliver Twist?
Best classic films to watch after a week of intense stress (just finished finals, mom’s been having a breakdown, learned many disturbing things about family)
Is this normal?
Parent’s visiting and they are BORED
How many thanksgivings do you go to?
The original finale was genius
Barrister Bookcases Earthquake Anchoring question
Paper plates for Thanksgiving yes or no? My spouse and I are in disagreement over this issue. I’d love your thoughts?
Insane Electricity Bill
Question about Product Videography
Robert Stack; Unsolved Mysteries, which cases did you find to be the most unsettling?
Haven’t visited the house in years.