Got this for $891.99 (incl. taxes). I couldn't anything better with these specs for this price. I can still cancel if anyone knows a better deal for similar price. Any suggestions/better deals?
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What is a good minor for comp sci
Camera failed
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CS at Waterbury.
my strafes used be a kinda sloppy. very happy with the progress made
Campus appeals.
The Black Cat
Should I get NVIDIA GeForce Experience?
Which mouse is better in terms of quality and price?
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Should i update my bios? kinda scared ngl
First laptop. Are these temperatures normal?
Dead motherboard in laptops of manufacturing date after August ??
Is this a good spot for my pc?
I need help picking
What would be a good laptop for a college student who does moderate gaming?
Which one should i buy? Both are $1500
Sudden overheating issues
My S21 Ultra feels like 60hz while set to adaptive
Looking for Iems paired with wireless adapters.
Camera get worse with updates
Bought an s21 ultra as my back up