February Icon BeautyStat Coconut Serum?
Disney Adults on their way to pretend like they care about Tom Sawyer Island (they haven't actually gone to it in 10 years)
Primary user on a credit card carries a large balance (but pays on time), does the large balance negatively impact the authorized user's credit score?
Mediterranean Garlic Sauce/Toum help?
Daily Thread #2 - July 19, 2021
Daily Thread #1 - July 09, 2021
Pregmate, 11 DPO. Can't tell if it's an indent or positive? I took a test yesterday and it looked the same. I appreciate the extra set of eyes on this test!
Daily Thread #2 - November 20, 2019
Daily PM Chat Thread - Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Back to back miscarriage
Not progressing/getting darker? CD 28 and cd 30, pregmate, taken at 5 minutes Fmu
Update 10 to 17DPO FRER with betas
Possibly 9DPO, pregmate strip, can't tell if I just have line eyes/evap line, thoughts?
/ttcafterloss Weekly Results and Limbo Thread - August 12, 2019
/ttcafterloss Daily Discussion Thread #2 - August 08, 2019
/ttcafterloss Daily Discussion Thread #2 - August 03, 2019
READ ME FIRST! Weekly Intro + Rules Thread June 30, 2019
My MMC Cytotec/Miso experience
Weekly Intro/BFP Thread - May 12, 2019
Does anyone else see two lines!? CD29, 9DPO, Pregmate HCG
AITA for being too honest about having a baby?
All the John-derived names in the U.S. top 1000
General Chat April 17 PM
General Chat April 17 AM
Well ladies, am I out this cycle? CD 34, 12dpo, Meijer cheapie.