If you can see girls staring/looking at you in your peripheral vision what does this mean?
Why would a girl put her head on my shoulders if she has a boyfriend
If a girl has heard you like her in school what are signs she likes you back?
Would a girl randomly drunk text me because she likes me
Does she like me or just not want to be alone at the gym?
This girl I like told me that she doesn’t like another boy and has told him that but still flirts and talks to him. What should I do?
Does she like me?
Should you ask your crush who she likes?
Should I ask a girl I like who they like?
If a girl hardly initiates conversation does it mean she doesn’t like me?
Have I waited to long to ask a girl out (7 months) ?
Have I waited too long to ask this girl out (7 months?
Have I waited too long to ask this girl out (7 months) ?