Lootboxes Skins (Tanks)
Lootboxes Skins (Supports)
What mods are these for yall
The new expansion is a game changer
I got Trashley ReelPearson to kiss my sim and then give her a tattoo 😂
What items do you want to be added that we don’t have?
Hate symbol tattoos in gallery
For pete's sake, nerf the "grieving" moodlets already!
In theory it was perfect, in live mode however...
Did choosing rings zoom in to the hand before? I either may be dumb for not noticing this ealier or it's a new thing from yesterday update, cause I am sure I had to pick nails to view rings before...
Why does the game want to delete stuff in the room when I try to do wallpaper on the other walls??? I just finished cluttering this room 😭😭😭
How do YOU play the Sims?
They casually put Anya in a dress like THAT and didn't expect me to notice (OC)
What descendants would people use if they were better balanced?
HELP! Cant decide which outfit looks best to main
Nerf this, nerf that, nerf HER
Confused about this warning?
Free energy
We are not the same
Petition to receive an item on mail if the inventory is full.
hopes for next season
Oh yeah, Keelan- REAPER?
Reaper mains, what's something you wish people understood when you play your Hero?
anyone else having this issue? or it's just me? 😭😭