Are you into “location sharing”?
How do you deal will the cellphone epidemic?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
What was a "normal" amount of chores for kids in the 90s?
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
Should I teach at my son's school?
Let’s talk contract hours. . .
Mr. Treeger Wins ! Which of Friends side character fits for box 4
The Norm of Unpaid Overtime
Elder millennials, what were the 4 VHS tapes you owned and watched on repeat?
What’s the most serious moment in a sitcom that shook you?
How old were you when your house got the internet?
Ross Geller once said:
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
Mike Wins ! Which of Friend's "side" character fits for Box 2 (most upvoted comment wins)
Sick Days- How Many Is Too Many?
Who’s the father?
From Scott’s podcast’s IG
Do you know any millennial grandparents?
I lost a kid during my observation today.
Which three for 1993 would you choose?
What is the wildest sentence you’ve said out loud while teaching?
Millennials, how old is your oldest piece of clothing (that you still wear)?
Did changing grade levels save teaching for you?