A collection of my favorite comments from her live today
Jenna and Connor “going strong 💗” apparently
Live jump scare
Busch light
She’s reading 👀
✨Healthy hair ✨
She’s back…..
wtf is this skin match lol she should know better as a professional mua
This is truly scary
Remember when she spent like $2k on random makeup at ulta to build a “MUA kit,” used it once during NYFW (with poor hygiene practices), made an Instagram page for her MUA content, and then moved onto something else a week later?
Engagement photo - bar spots
Engagement photo spots
People who are allergic to cats but live with cats: what is it like and how do you manage?
I thought these were PJs
Deleted comments 🤔
“Curly hair”
What sickness is going around?
Most gruesome scene?
Anyone else see the resemblance
How long do we think they’ll wait before posting that Olivia is pregnant?