When's the new update coming?
Is Barbarian King and Archer Queen married?
How they could be buffed or reworked?
27 Can't stand people lol
My man broke up with his gf...
1600+ raid reward!! how much your clan raid gave you
When do you guys think the update will be released?
When is the new training time update gonna come?
Came across an interesting base while farming
Research Potions are Amazing
Queen at its finest 🤌
Average th17 player
Supercell, please keep an eye on this...
What's your last three recently used emojis? 🤯✝️🤓
Th 17 three stared using th 12 clone blizzard lalo in war!
Clanmate teaches how to flirt
Th17 (bit rushed)
Can you all stop complaining about the update?
How is the base
Sooo.. we won't see them glow/cooking ever again??
The change we said will never happen is finally happening
Rate My Pizza? 😆
Ummm whatt👀💀!?!!??
Guys no excuses for not attacking in war