What is your flavor of bipolar?
German Ken's war cry is something else - 1986 movie
La neta. ¿El comunismo algún día reemplazará al capitalismo como dijo Marx o ya nada?
Quitando a guts y Nana, cuáles son los personajes ficticios que más han sufrido
If you see one of those fire balls that are considered witches,or you see a ghost, would you eat it and what things you think would happen to your body If you do so?
Creen que el ¿sistema de gobierno de China o Rusia sea bueno con su sistema que básicamente es de “priorizar que funcione”?
I made a pact with the devil then ate it. AMA
If you know, you know
I think it's time for Jack...TO LET HER RIP!!!
What common matchup goes like this?
Killed master gee for the first time today second attempt as well solo Sal max level please let me know what you think
You reccomend stopping your antipsychotics if your psych lets you to stop taking them?…
Name this boss
Diagnose interview went like. How your speech was like?
The sexuality of Kaede
Tienen alguna oración religiosa favorita?
Kaede and Nana (Fanart by Eo-Eovin)
¿Que es lo que más rápido te ayudo a bajar de peso??
Diagnose interviews be like
Kaede is really strong in the manga (spoilers).
¿Porqué dicen comunista como insulto?
They are real
México ¿Han visto al diablo o algo que estén seguros que mínimo era un demonio?