The ‘University Challenge’ clip where the host says ‘We can’t accept Drum & Bass I’m afraid. We need Jungle’ was done deliberately to go viral and be used as a sample in tracks
What happens when the majority of people can’t afford ordinary lives?
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Why aren't Republicans more concerned about the failing economy?
Lice don’t actually like clean hair
Construction job openings drop 42% YOY as labor churn accelerates
Noncehood, and how I grew out of it
Come on mechanics, what tool is this?
Autopen and the Presidency
How realistic is the 'if you need to bury a body, put endangered plants on it, so it's illegal to dig them up'
Gregory Nano 20 daypack! First impressions in comments...
Osprey Daylite 26+6 under airplane seat + short review
Help! Painted whole dining nook too dark when I should’ve stopped at accent wall
Why's the American style date becoming more common here?
Taking away SS is the biggest scam of our generation!
What does the UK get from the US that we couldn't either get from elsewhere or give up altogether?.
Germany doesn't deserve it's reputation as the greatest of sausage nations
How do I release carbon monoxide into my bedroom?
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Sizing advice for US Montbell versalite jacket and pants.
What is the 1 thing you'd change about the UK?
Why are American biscuits called biscuits instead of e.g. scones?
Would you check a bag if it was free to do so?
Isitbullshit: Police have higher offending rates than the general public
I refused to teach until a student is removed