Asked for Jalepenos on cheessteak
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Harrison Ford?
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Be honest, how many times a week do you ejaculate? Whether it's masturbation or sex?
Suggest a horror movie
Other than Byrne, who is the best Talking Heads member?
What is the least painful way to get from Philly to JFK?
Name for a group where one of the members won’t stop masturbating during shows
Name for a band who are obsessed with the boardgame Monopoly.
Who do you think has the most unique singing voice in rock 'n roll?
What’s the first movie you think of when you see Steve Buscemi?
Vegan Jamaican patties
Band name for a gay man who’s a closet heterosexual
Trump supporting IRS worker wishes he could go back in time
Band name for people who snore at night?
Which HC has the most punchable face (it's Sirianni)
You guys sleep naked or clothed
If security wasn’t there and Rabbi Kaye went pound for pound against Chris, who’s gonna end up on the floor?
We are in double distress
Saying “Thank you for your service “ to any vet you meet is disingenuous and wooden.
what’s something you saw 25 years ago that you don’t see nowadays?
Good restaurants near Coolbaugh township?
Saying “Thank you for your service “ is to any vet disingenuous and awkward