What do y'all think of fire mage?
How bad is p2w in this game?
Anyone having issues with shift+` macros?
To do list question.
Anyone else just hate the gi
Can blood token gear be turned into tier sets?
Is it bannable if your keyboard has a macro installed into its hardware without using the software for that keyboard?
PvP Tuning - March 11th
How much conquest are we able to get next reset?
Viability of sunfury
How is fire mage
Is hacking problem in this game better now?
Phantom Discord Class Picture 2025
Looking back at MS2, what did the game do right and wrong?
What happened to world tour maps?
Zakum arms tech bugged?
Are these items still obtainable?
Anyone else feeling like the game is heading in a very costly direction?
Why is everything in this game RnG?
Is BJJ the only sport where addressing the opponent as strong is not a compliment?
Is it sad that I feel like I'm only playing with other people when AFKing in Tyrobot Playground :)
Steamdeck/controller help.
Day 500 of missing Brian
Does this game still have a PvP development team?