Men, what is something a woman will never understand?
Wh1te w0men: once you go b1ack, you never go back, is this true?
Kendrick Lamar once brought a wh1te fan on stage and stopped them from singing the N w0rd, do you personally believe that 6ix9ine would have done the same thing?
Do looks matter to you when it comes to dating?
[MEME] Who is this man? Wrong answers only.
Have you ever eaten a coconut worm?
What is your "it sounds too good to be true" moment?
If you could witness any event in history without changing anything, what would it be and why?
Sniper shoots gun out of a suicidal man's hand.
Which 80s or 90s song do you still listen to?
People who have lost weight, what is something that actually worked for you?
One leg front flip.
What's a phrase that people say that really annoys you?
What should kids learn in school?
God of Clay creating God of War
What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
A Blue Angel pilot's perspective during formation.
What's a restaurant or a bar from a TV show you'd love to hang out at?
What's your favorite thing to eat when you don't feel like eating anything in particular?
Muhammad Ali was a hero, he saved the lives of 15 hostages.
Extreme motorbike stunt.
Who's a celebrity you find impossible to hate?
Wingsuit target practice.
What are some common foods that make you wonder, “who was the first weirdo to try eating that?”?
A hard candy dragon.