Can Team Flash beat Thanos?
$500K per year, but a man has sex with your wife every Friday.
So after watching the new vid..
You get an unlimited supply of your favorite drink for free but every time you say the word “Invincible” you and everyone within a 20 foo radius gets blinded the Invincible title card and can’t hear anything except for the Invincible theme until it’s over
rejected because of negative recommendation letter
How to clear sand devil the way, that it was intended?
What is something most people don't know can kill someone in a few seconds?
Should I use my soulstones now? Or wait for some other event?
What is the worst sequel of all time?
Which movies (if any) are better than the books?
Which legendary has not been power crept since the beginning? Also, who doesn't need masteries or 6 ☆?
Did I actually pull something good from an ancient or is she not too useful?
If you had to power to change any one thing to the game and Plarium had to listen to you, what would that one thing be?
Which Championis the biggest "missed potential" for you? (Game Mechanics wise)
How did Harry block the killing curse here? Was it because of the Resurrection Stone? (Sorry for the low quality image)
This should be illegal
Just let me vent...
If someone you have a crush on suddenly touches your private parts for no reason, will you still like him/her?
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Not a bad looking team!
Void Legos who need buffs: Belanor at least.
What Was Your Mobile Game Before RSL?
What couple in a movie had no chemistry at all?
Which movie is this for you?
100,000$ tax free, inflation adjustable but your sense of smell is 100,000x stronger