Is sat really important to apply NCSU?
What is the best AI for help you study
My brother foraged 23 pounds of acorns from the street
In China, young girls' feet were bound tightly in an ancient practice to achieve "lotus feet,"
Are you really finished all homework teachers gives to you ?
What can I do to finish my homework
Any good podcasts about studying in general?
What is the different between finance, business, economic and accounting majors in college
I say to myself, from tomorrow i will study for 6-8 hours, but i fail
How to study with when you are not good at memorizing science classes
Are you comfortable and not distracted studying in your bedroom?
How to learn/ to find the textbook to help you more understand the thing you’re learning
How to more effectively learning
I hate membean 😭😭
Do you write in 2nd or 1st person?
People of Reddit, when did you realize you were a bad person?
How to find a college is best for you 😭