What should I watch for day 3!
Any films that should be added here?
What film are you going with?
Anyone else see this?
Is he cooked or Nah?
Who is your favorite Marvel superfemale and why is it Fingoria?
In honor of International Women’s Day, name your favorite female Superhero!
Does stella hate all of I.M.P? Why would M&M be there?
Any other films I should add to this list?
Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach) marks the 16th anniversary of Watchmen (03.06.09) with appreciation for what he considers the role of a lifetime.
Do any other movies go in this list?
This jerk here gave 1 star to 'The Florida Project', and he didn't even review it, he only logged it to yap about some stuff. Who tf does he think he is?
Movies with this aesthetic??
what hellaverse characters do you want a hug from?
The seven are joining you for dinner tonight. What are you making for them?
I think I speak for all my fellow redditors when I say we won't tolerate this kind of Fingoria slander
Kaiju Vote Out Day 31: Anguirus' jaw was snapped!
Something you’d erase permanently from Batman lore?
I just noticed that The Phantom Menace is now better rated than The Last Jedi.
Kaiju Vote Out Day 30: GMK Godzilla blew himself up again!
What's your sexuality?
In a perfect world...
Night mode is better
Wasn't Charlie supposed to find out about how Valentino abuses Angel Dust here?