[Ps4] H: 2x bosjs 2x wpjs 1x fcjs W: big boy offers
H: tfj W: big boy offers
[Ps4] H: rare apparel (all found/grinded for myself) W: big boy offers
I haven’t even finished the following and it spawns me in to old town
[Ps4 price check] Gatling plasma newish mods
[Ps4 price check] conductors and rejuvenators 4* mods
Necrozma, add: 7221 9734 0136
WB dusk mane 3469 9675 8596
3 local wb 672759253002
Ill be doinf back 2 back necromas with 2 ppl if anyone wants add 4128 6303 1669 & 9377 7137 1847
Going around town and doing as much raids as possible, add 1435 1993 1490
Dusk wings necrozma 2 locals with party power add me 399678364023 or 917236258713
Necrozma raid 2 local + party power 7335 9142 1598 or 4625 9832 5186
Adding first 10 942347027386
Join! 924462178574
Necrozma raid, doing 1 dusk mane and 2 dawn wing 900637576064
Necrozma, 3 local 987574927301
Dawn wings 230992143829
Dawn Wings Necrozma 744840054052
Necrosma raid add 965126880396
Dawn wings Necrozma 560762537289
Necrozma got two 493426831524
Necrozma 279151237868 - wait for me to add everyone. Got 3 raid near me