Solar battery recommendations?
Anyone else seen this? I can’t remember where it is since I don’t live in Canberra, but it’s somewhere near Belconnen Highway.
Telstra signal in Belconnen
Drone show was weak
Neighbouring complex has side-mounted floodlights that flood all my bedrooms at night. What are my options?
Fun Fact: You can find out the nickname of a Canberra bus by reading the tiny white sticker above the stopping sign. This picture, for example, was taken on board Greg (bus number 685).
“Graffiti” stickers - what do they mean?
Canberrans told to 'do research' on MyWay+, not rely on drivers
What public transport route planner?
Bespoke Strata Companies in Canberra
Sundpeats Free 2 Classic review after using daily for 1 year