So... I did a thing
I did it! 1500 Reaper Kills - How many of you have this?
Why is there so many afk/leech players?
Why are the BOTs in this game so bad?
Reject DS4, accept Devil's Claw. (They're getting some love in the next patch!)
Reasons one and two why I will never have Zealot master of war despite being a Zealot main.
Anyone excited for Mortis Trials?
Pre Patch 13 Skillchoices have been archived in a Steam Guide. Interesting History lesson for all the new players.
In the days of yore, this would be considered beating the game
What’s your opinion on the Unmaykr
In the lore it’s stated that Emperor class Battleships are relics and are irreplaceable
Any tips on hunting the stealth zealot penances?
Sefoni just likes to talk. Nothing to speculate about.
Psyker Rework When?
The Ogryn penance grind is making me lose my mind
Best Non-activation melee besides Dueling Sword for Zealot?
Updates to Havoc - Dev Blog
Rest and Recreation for Rejects?
What map would you consider the least fun to play?
What I hate VS love about Darktide
Commodore's Vestures of March 13th 2025 - April 24th 2025
Do you guys need some spare 17% Toughness Curios?
What drew you to Darktide?
Let me turn off bots.
Been thinking about issues with balance