Do you get hurt really easily?
Sucks for whoever was dumb enough to park in front of a hydrant
Well Arent You Just The Saltiest French Fry In The HappyMeal
how to put this drink in?
Does anyone have that one customer that they can't wait to see?
It's almost 12pm in the afternoon and my kids can't even play because of him
He stopped for a school bus but the drivers around him weren’t paying attention
First time using gel pens and I love it
Harassment from a group of kids that live in our complex
Sausage sticking to styrofoam
Are we serious rn…?
What part of being a parent do you struggle with the most?
We’re your parents also bad at handling medical treatments? Is it a narc thing?
Free Apple Music
Did your crybaby turn into a normal child?
My contribute to the weird hand post
Are you able to 'sense' other autisics?
What's the best but cheapest security cameras for outdoors?
An en caul birth, also known as a "veiled birth," is a rare event where a baby is born still inside an intact amniotic sac. It occurs in less than 1 in 80,000 live births.
Kids 'ding dong ditched' us by opening our front door
Just lost a ton of my soda collection
What's a good amount to pay a kid to take trash out?
Is anyone else unable to tolerate cold beverages?
Passenger left her baby in my suv to make sure I didn’t leave at her stop
Is your username chosen or generated?