Sure pal
Cody is not boring
*idea #228 on how to make her look hurt for bait*
If he has to ask his followers is something “normal”with his child he’s doing something wrong. Probably photoshopped actually.
Yall I had a dream I was Sophia and had to do it with Landon 😩😩
What are your favorite apple fragrances?
Imagine they just went up there for the pic and left lol
Sure pal 🥱
He must have a clickbait photo album in his phone he recycles lol
His two fav emoji
And some more photoshop CRIMES
Going to Rome tomorrow! What should I take?
No thanks
He always find a way to make her look bad
This man needs banned from Snapchat 😒
Sure, pal
Starting 5- what’s yours?
You know what I just thought about…why are the girls always the ones who hurt or going through something but never him? He makes them look silly with fake shit to their skin/image but he’s off limits huh.
What a pathetic liar
Yall think that’s really her?
Who in here asking them for advice? 😂
Oh good, another one!