Anyone have a Scylla they would part with for my son?
Scripting or Building first?
Giveaway!! 2 Winners, 24 HR TIME LIMIT!
u need money to buy some rods , but don't wanna grind? hit me up i got these ashclouds that range from 150k-200k each! (NOT FREE)
u need money to buy some rods , but don't wanna grind? hit me up i got these ashclouds that range from 150k-200k each!
im level 14 rn but this is my biggest fish:p
Giveaway!! Two winners. 24 Hour Time limit! Will spin once 24 hrs are up.
Uhh what?
I did it...
Never trust someone that offers gamepasses
GIVEAWAY, picking winner in about 24 hours from when this is posted, no requirements all you gotta do is upvote and comment your user, also above lvl 15.. (winner gets to choose between the two below.) GOOD LUCK!!
Do any adults play Minecraft?
Is the site down?
What do you guys think? I got him on release but I took a huge break on Genshin after losing his weapon 3 I know I need to find a better sands and circlet and up his talents but this is what I have so far (I finally got his weapon after 3 years!)
After days of farming, 120 pulls and losing my 50/50 to Jean HE'S FINALLY HOMEE
why is it saying that i’ve reached my spending limit this week?
what isn’t rare?
Rare (need it)
Is my account now lost?
The worst feeling in the world
Im so confused ?
can’t find hair
MSP’s “ugly” era
Old Msp