Serious question... has season 4 ruined the show's reputation? Not trying to hate or anything.
Who will be the RDR3's new protagonist?
he want my swag‼️
Added Astrobot, who’s next?
what do you all think is better🤔
RDR2 ruined gaming for me.
X planned to do a stream with pewdiepie, but it never happened sadly😥
On a scale of Casca how are you feeling today?
If you had the option to engrave custom text into your weapon, what would it say?
What did sos say about zilla?
What's his fucking aslume name?
What’s y’all’s favorite song off of the Iowa Album?
No freaking way 😭 Are these even man boobs?
BULLSHIT thats 4 pounds
It's crazy how they keep taking down leaks on Spotify when Zilla hasn't dropped in months...
I think Batman just killed this guy…
Any thoughts?
Are any metal bands truly satanic?
Louis or Violet?
Thoughts on Hyperview?
Any1 know the shirt zill wearing
Spotify keeps stopping on ad breaks on PlayStation
Artists of evil and hatred vs artists of virtue and heaven