LF (all shiny, no genned, no nicknames, English only: H. Arcanine, Zorarok, h. Starters, Kleavor, water Tauros, Latios or latias OR GOOD OFFERS FT: box shinies
Looking to trade shiny for shiny
Ft: box shinies LF: (All Shiny no nicknames) Paldea water Tauros, sinistea, venasuar, empoleon, hisui growlithe/arcanine, hisui Samarott & Typloshion
ft: shiny starters, lf in post
FT: Shinies in Pics LF Shinies in Description
Ft in pictures Lf offers
(Shiny trades)LF:Hisuian Lilligant, Steelix, Alolan sandslash, hisuian rapidash or most prev gen mythicals or legends Offering was down below (some Genned some not) Can trade in home or SV.
Ft: Boxed Shinies LF: Shiny- Primarina, Spiritomb, politoed, kingdra, (hisui- Braviary, arcanine, Avalugg, lilligant, Basculegion-M), Bastidon, kanto birds or interesting offers
LF: Shiny Frigibax & Curly Form Tatsugiri FT: see pics
FT: Shiny in pic LF: Shiny I don't have
Lf shiny umbreon lf offers
Lf: Shiny alolan sandshrew and shiny shieldon Ft: all shiny pics below
Lf shiny scream tail or flutter mane
LF: Pic and Offers
Offers for some shinys?
LF: Shiny Skrelp / Dragalge, FT: pics
Lf shiny mime jr shiny oddish line
LF: Shiny Barraskweda FT: Shinies in the Box
Ft: Shiny box pictured Lf: (all shiny) Serperior, Hisui-Braviary, Hisui-Arcanine, Porygon-Z, Hisui Lilligant, kanto Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Prinarina, Alcremie, Spiritomb, Politoed, Hisui Zoroark, kingdra, Bastiodon, Alolan Golem, Basculegion-M
(S/V)Looking for: Raging bolt Shiny: Cranidos Alolan vulpix Applin or hydrapple
LF:Shiny Meowth. *All starred are shiny.* Others are just Alpha.
Ft:box Shines LF: (all shiny) Porygon Z, kantonian legendary birds, politoad, Alolan Raichu, shiny starters
LF: shiny quaxly, fuecoco, pikipek, archaludon, dipplin, (normal) gouging Fire, raging bolt FT: Whole box
{LT} Shiny Fidough, electrike, yamper, vivilion forms. . . . . . .{FT} Pictured shinies, apriballs, master balls, beast balls
FT: 10 shinies for 1 still in POGO legend, 5 for 1 for non legendary. Probably will only add Celebi in another Celebi trade LF: in description