Update 21yo 150Lbs 5’7
Any tips to thicken my back and get more cut
What bf% would you guess?
15 weeks until competition, DXA scan says I’m 13% bodyfat. Can’t wait till I’m 8%
21/5’7/150 17 weeks till Comp day. What y’all thing I could work on?
My first show is 17 weeks out (119 days). Zero experience or knowledge
I’m tired of looking natty😪
167 (29) any advice on what to improve?
5'7 180lbs
21M 5’7 ~147
Progress updates
Woman doesn't like man filming his workout
My nose ruins my whole face😪. It looks broken
Long time lurker, looking for advice.
So I made 15 sales day one selling in person. How would you scale?
How would you grow this account??
What could make my skin clearer/smoother?
Can someone teach me how to grow this Roth IRA account?
How do you deal with slow growth after years of lifting?
I woke up to a black glove in my foyer.
Let's see what weird names we'll see
I could’ve built a clean PC but I went for a DIY😅
How much sex per week is too much?
Yeah I am bad with money
So I decided to go a cheaper route on my new PC