I wish I had a boyfriend to cuddle with me and tell me I'm pretty even tho i'm not :3
Got a cat? I’ll doodle it. Drop those pics! 🐱🎨
Next day: The hot one
Uhhh what the hell is this
the gang
i’m bored, rate my protogen?
I hate menstruating as a boy :(
I don't understand why I can't do it
Do it
I haven't cut myself in 3 days :3
What ELO Album Is This
Donald the goat
lil check in here
An idea for a Madness combat episode
Ingen väg polarn
I'm a furry youtuber and Roblox player trying to make a video defending the fandom.
Market plier
my furry avatars (1 and 3 are a little different)
S4 leak??
what yall think of these clothes i made?
What would you rather?
I'm bored, give me your (male) avatars and I'll remake them as a girl