Just let the timer run low Iykyk
bottom left supremacy
How are the F2P players here faring in completing their pokedex?
For once in life I clicked a new place in Wonder Pick
How much will this skin cost?
I just learned that Shaymin's ability stacks. Free retreat cost for Arceus ex and Dialgo ex
Poke Ball should only get you basic non Ex pokemon and fossils!
Quickest yet. 5 for 5
Draw on Game 5. We both lost. lmao
Secret Mission: Triumphant Light Museum 3
How would you improve this deck???
with the buff sudoowoodo brings to fighting decks, which is the best fighting deck rn (besides rampardos)
If you are BBFA like me, try to go for thai bu or viet bu
pull rates changed
Spending money on this game is total waste
Sometimes the regular EX is the hardest to pull 😔
Finally won a Strong Match
Octopuses are solitary creatures excellent at camouflaging and concealing themselves. They are about 90 percent muscle, and because they lack bones, they can fit through very small spaces.
Haven’t pulled an EX in forever
My version of Dialga EX/Melmetal. Having lots of fun with it.
Any substitutions for Articuno
I really like this meta, many choice
How to flex on opponents
small privileged complaint