FYI: It’s possible to be a conservative Christian, but also call out conservative political wrongs.
Is there a song more commonly known than Bohemian Rhapsody that given a crowd you could get everyone singing it
The show Friends sucks
Just tell me the last song you listened to
What's your favorite movie made before 1950?
Greatest hits you are not a fan of??
Which sitcoms were your first ones you watched?
Day 2 cringiest episode
Do people actually focus better with music?
If you could say anything to yourself 10 years ago, what would it be?
A HIMYM Spinoff Featuring the Kids—How Would You Feel About This?
What is the most pleasant paranormal experience that you have had, personally?
I found out my ex committed suicide and i spoke to his spirit last night
secret HK crush ?
What is the most frightening sound you've ever heard?
This means Israel has the right to kill babies I guess
Both Rose and Sophia got on my nerves from time to time.
Why do people say such horrible things about god?
Will suicide immediately put you straight to hell?
Who did you admire growing up that you're now disappointed by?
Which sitcoms give you nostalgia?
Why does almost every animated sitcom have that one character that is called by their surname/last name?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What’s your favorite sitcom performance of Wendi Malick?
Soup Nazi is Elaine at her lowest