name for a band that only plays on tiny ass boats
Saw this on the way to work today
What did I drive many years ago?
Band name for a Pop group who enjoy pooping in public pools?
Bandname for an all girl band that wants to play trippy shows.
What’s this ride called
Guess I won’t chevy and forlic
Name for a group where one of the members won’t stop masturbating during shows
Long ago...
Found on the floor of a 2nd grade class
Wonderbra ?
I must share it with the world
Band name for a group of people that love bowling and Sesame Street
Not ideal...
Found this
Character falls in love with an animal, and together they help heal some wounds and bring people together.
Bereft Girl?
Band name made up of blunt weapons ?
Hashtag Wars - #SexyVideoGames
Wrong answers only...
Name for a band who are obsessed with the boardgame Monopoly.
what's in the river?
Found in a misc. box at the thrift store
Name a band who love to sing only about cookies and snacks
Name for a reggae band whose band members all have one undescended testicle