Favorite character that stinks?
Favorite female character voiced by a man
Favorite characters from media you didn't expect to like at first.
favorite character in this screenshot
Favorite Character Who can’t talk
Once favorite character that you just don’t love as much than before ?
Which are your 3 LEAST favorite official Disney Princess Movies? (not including sequels)
Artemis and Will…please no
Favorite version of death
Game idea
Favorite Alcoholic?
Favorite realistic character that you couldn’t appreciate if he was real ?
Favorite demon character
Favorite movie people thought was going to be bad
Favorite western characters
I gotta question that I never really thought about before: who's smarter?
Any films or series where the main characters end up getting married?
Since it's St. Patrick's day I want you guys to tell me your favorite character with an Irish accent
It’s my birthday, and I want to see your cats!
What romance movies / tv shows did you watch this week? Mar 16
Disney NEEDS to give us an Irish Princess.
Favorite character who was canonically a super genius
Does Neal/Bealfire have an actual counterpart
Romances without 3rd act breakups
Favorite Alex/Alexander/Alexandra/Whatever