The Enemy's Daughter Covers
The types as animals lol bc all the ones I’ve seen have a *very* specific and obvious bias
Disney’s live action Snow White has received EXTREMELY positive reviews from critics…
Why would you give me false hope like this, PB? 😔
Former bachelor contestant names baby after a number
Quick google search of Joe
What’s your favourite Renesmee nickname?
Should I stay??
The obsession with Taylor Swift in the book community
What is the fascination with gender swapping names??
Which is your favorite Mulan movie cover from the cartoon
Which is your favorite Cinderella movie cover?
Day 9: Horrible Person, Hated by Fans
What book do you think could work as a Netflix series/movie?
Unpopular book box opinions?
(OC) i love him i love this moment there shouldve been more angst but its okay
After hearing Butterfly
Haterade be hitting good tonight
Names my mom suggested for my sisters baby
Day 8: Morally Gray, Hated by Fans 😶🌫️😡
Curious of interest?
Did you adopt the stray dog? If so, what did you name her?
Day 5: What's your opinion on Aerin (BOLAS)?
My mom named me after Naruto