(17 M) Do I pass and how old?
My Spouse is kinda losing it
Can We Talk About Things Being Discontinued?
I was told that SRS would not cure my dysphoria...but
I don’t feel welcome here
At least the one being called a Fujoshi isn’t a trans man this time
Should i spend them on here or is something better going to come out
Has anyone else been pressured by trenders to dress feminine as FTM men?
isn't that just being a straight male?
Is it just me or is the current mindset- If you even THINK you are Autistic and get diagnosed with something else, the fact that you even suspected means you probably still have it?
I hate best buddies
Do people genuinely think Mori is a *you know what*?
Is Chris Chen professionally diagnosed or self-diagnosed?
Not sure if this’ll get taken down (asexuality)
I Hate How Cis Tucutes Speak for us as if Their Opinion on Trans Rights is as Valid as Ours
Neurodiversity activists who want to abolish group homes
I'm a transmed with a misgender kink ama
"No matter what we do, we will be hated" is a lie told by maximalist trans activists to justify their refusal to compromise
Physical Contact
thoughts on this? this can't be normal...
This is becoming a proship/anti discourse sub, not an AO3 sub
Special interests
self diagnosing
Why cant mfs understand this