What happened to all the drone sightings?
Best place for my gf and I to take some e bikes and have a picnic?
What is going on with my boys eye?
I don't think i can ever go back to what I was smoking before SM is simply the best I've had in a while!
How long can people access the Playtesting before shutting it down
What is the timer under the compass counting down to?
Anyone else?
Stuck on configuring error fix (PS5)
No darkslide or underflip??
Anyone else still stuck on configuring and can’t get in? (PS5)
Anyone got the code for console yet?
I don't see the game in my EA library
Basically everyone in this sub right now:
where is my console code
Play test disappeared.
Skate playtester emails went out
Haven't Received Download Instructions Email Yet?
Is there an app like Propellerhead's Figure for Android?
Brace Yourselves.
Have you ever experienced a situation where weed put you in danger?
Guess we’re done with free speech eh?
I think i was chosen for a playtest but im not positive. Email seems sketchy.
All of a sudden my game is constantly freezing for moment every few seconds or so.
Loving this game rn