Is this true
The Chinese World Order (alterative to A.R.C. treaty map)
Ellen Baker in 2016, 锐锐 now. Who will be the next?
most coherent indon politic party be like
Most thick skinned south asian user on Asia_irl
Alexander reincarnated as Ashoka
Etymology map of dessert
Forget Winnie, now we use these characters to refer to Xi!
What do you guys think the people of this region should be called?
Most Pro British Maoist Qingaboo
How would you name this country? (Only wrong answers)
Europe dominates again
"The Soviet Union-The First Cosmic Country", Soviet Estonia, 1973
What Real Chinese want for their birthday
99% of Americans can't spell the name of this country.
what did yall get?
What if California was already Asian?
Peaking Under the Iron Curtain
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are China
new solution to the usa falling apart
Chinese provinces according to the internet
If China got everything they wanted (meme map)