H: 20k Acid W: 60 Leaders
H: rejuvenators and pinpointers W: 5k aluminum
H: 150 Coffee + 50 Quantum’s W: 1x Pin Pointers
H: Gatling Plasma Swift Core Plan W: 44 Leaders
Took an ID card screenshot every 50 levels 1-1000
H: 400 Leaders + OE AP 4Sent/1Cav Ultracite PA set with Jetpack left arm W: FCJS
H: Weapons. W: Offers.
Gotta love those high resolution textures
H: 0.5 Leaders Per Star W: Steady / Divers / Battle Loaders Box Mods
Good weapons other than Gatling plasma and auto axe
H: Enclave Aligned Flamer,Gatling Sting Core Mods W:Arms Keeper Mods
(Ps6) W:Fcjs H:turkey masks
[PS4] W: team to run raids H: a couple hours
H: G Turkey W: Anti Armor, Quad and powered mods
Will you keep a pistol with you?
No pa heavy gun build I made, how does it look?
H:crazy guy W:arms kepper
Help with camp building
H: 300 Psychobuff W: Any Offers
H: Leaders W: In on a sesh of en06 button glitch farming
H: serums, caps, mods W: Sacred Mothman Tome
H: Travelers LC W: 4k toilet paper
H: enclave mods W: offers (no mods)
H:T50VHC25LVC enclave Plasma pistol W: Offers
H: Caps W: Fusion Cores