Triste Beton, A brutalist digital drawing (hugely) inspired by Adolphe Appia
OC - "Concrete Forest" made with MsPaint.
OC - Brutalist inspired drawing made with MsPaint
Industrial zone, by me, scratchboard drawing (30x40cm)
Untitled, PBdL, MsPaint/Krita, 2025
Trump threatens France with 200% wine and Champagne tariffs
She Will Not Come Back, PBdL, Krita/MsPaint, 2025
"Endless Space" made with Krita and MsPaint, 2025
"She's not coming back and you don't understand that" made with Krita and MsPaint
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
People that fled dictatorships and survived real tyranny, what do you think of people going soft on Russia?
Nervous About Macron's Term Ending
Switching from Apple
Is this why Poland has the highest (and longest) Economic growth in EU?
Independence from the US? How Germany’s new leadership could cripple American arms sales
Alternative european Paypal
What could be a more fitting european anthem for a united europe?
Si Brassens était en vie aujourd'hui pensez vous qu'il aurait viré a droite voir extrême droite ?
Christoph Heusgen, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, cries as he summarizes and concludes.
The Human Cost of WW2 in Europe
But where's European innovation?
En partant en train de Lyon, quelles destinations sont atteingnables en 1-12h?
Picks aren't evil. Picks are good.
Zariqua, PBdL, scratchboard, 2019
Brutalist Music.