Any fics where Hero Society being discontinued is a bad thing?
Your favorite Sonic character gives you dating advice. How good is it?
Does sonic have enough copycats of himself to hit each category?
Favorite EVIL doppelgänger?
I'm sorry
Super Cream.(By MarioMario54321 on DeviantArt)
A perfectly normal picture of Cream, nothing wrong at all
Real sonic magazine by the way
"Why is Rouge so popular?":
OT3s and polycules: the solution to any love triangle.
I'm surprised Sega never thought of giving Amy safety shorts in canon. (By HeroOfHeartJillArt on DeviantArt)
What character(s) fall(s) under that umbrella for you guys?
I’m my own target audience
What's your least favorite sonic ship?
Picture this: Double date between SonAmy and Shadouge.
Just A Guy in a nutshell. God I hated that episode.
If you had a Death Note, whose name would you write in it first?
The difference between a LoL player and an ex-LoL player:
While searching for fics, what is that one story/tag/desc you saw that made you stop in your tracks like this
no, I don't have too many... what are you talking about?
Is it really that puzzling?
How would you feel if Horikoshi stuck with his original plan for Bakugo?
Someone would like a word with you. (Spoiler mark just in case)
Dark Might should count his blessings that he and Stain never crossed paths.