Can anyone ID this? Found free on the side of the road.
Yasube, Paris
Do you consider this as cheating?
Bleu, saignant ou à point ?
vv recommendations
Sound of Deceit release date has been pushed back
If you've met your partner, how comfortable were you the first time you met?
Enjoy - Frustration (cover)
Does anyone know what the origin of this video is?
Macabre Plaza - glorifying the past
The Garden flag – thoughts?
Wyatt playing a p bass yesterday?
Favorite Puzzle album
Anyone knows how to achieve a similar guitar tone?
What happened to Macabre Plaza's Delish Dessert? I can't steam is anywhere.
new pick ups
My favorite one!
This is the greatest chocolate milk I’ve ever had
3rd time visiting her!!
I found this bass!
What is that?
I’m a grown ass man can we talk about how beautiful and magical this song is?
Wyatt called me a racial slur