Should mouthy come back in a future episode?
Stop calling bro 'orange'
Decided to do this
Which one came last
Give me you OCs and I'll draw them because I have nothing else to do with my life
BFR S TPOT Ep. 33: The Final Vote
My OCs: Swoops and Noter
Fun fact!
BFR S TPOT Ep. 32: We do it all again. Just one last time.
Battle for Reddit Official Antagonist Ranking (Day 15)
Mentally Glitched VS Physically Glitched (challenge PT.2)
Red VS Red but Yellow (challenge part 1)
Tpot elimination order is actually trash
so what do we think of the new bfdi mini cast
WJ Wouldn't Hurt a Fly but in this Case he Would (I think so,aslo Kirbo helped a bit on the Challenge)
I present to you, Circle and Thing's child: slop.
4 spots left for ECC
Object clash 1
Next challenge will be about this dickhead
Monocle Travels: The Journey #1
Ball for dream island